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To: Eugenio Pinto <eugenio.pinto@fccn.pt>
CC: ietf-provreg@cafax.se
From: Andrew Newton <andy@hxr.us>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 10:51:36 -0400
In-Reply-To: <4486DA21.2020208@fccn.pt>
Sender: owner-ietf-provreg@cafax.se
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)
Subject: Re: [ietf-provreg] a new core command...?

Eugenio Pinto wrote:
> I've seen some interesting implementation extensions to EPP and some 
> aspects of IRIS fits better in the whole variety of Registries then EPP 
> definitions. Wouldn't it be better to provide a provisioning and 
> querying protocol all-in-one to our Registrars, instead of two different 
> API's with different schemas?...


IRIS is meant to be a registry/registrar interface to the general public 
where as EPP is meant to be an interface between registries and 
registrars.  So they are intended to serve two different purposes, but 
there is nothing that precludes using IRIS as a query interface between 
registries and registrars.

As for doing bulk queries over EPP, I believe there are two very good 
reasons for wanting that separated out from normal EPP flows:

1) The underlying framing of EPP messages would require larger buffers 
on the server side.  IRIS's use of BEEP and/or XPC makes this less of a 
problem with trade-off of being less simple.

2) Given the number of transactions flowing over EPP in realtime, 
separating bulk queries into another interface makes managing time 
sensitive transactions easier.  Let the bulk queries hit another set of 
servers and even another back-end datastore.

You could probably get around #1, but #2 is a pretty good reason why 
some registries would not like to do this.


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