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To: dnsops@cafax.se
Cc: bmanning@ISI.EDU (Bill Manning)
From: Bill Manning <bmanning@ISI.EDU>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 20:45:55 -0700 (PDT)
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Re: Interim signing of the root zone. (fwd)

	documentation for -an- experiment.  an experimental setup has 
	existed and been running for over 2 years.  Signing the root
	zone in this testbed has been operational for three months,
	nearly as long as ther has been DS capable code.  I remain 
	leary of experimentation with the live system.
	So... why are we considering experimenting with the live,
	production root system at this time?  IMHO, this is lunacy.
	We have a working, experimental system in play where most
	(all) of these issues can be tested.  Folks that have 
	serious commercial interests in a stable system will not be 
	amused when we start experimenting with the systems that
	they depend on.

%          Olafur

So, who is playing in this experimental testbed?

	some of the root operators - holding the experimental root
	some of the tld holders    - com, net, org, nl, mil, int are all signed
	some third/fourth level zones

we have already uncovered fatal interactions with signed zones and 9.2.1
caching servers.  Indications of simialr failures with v8 caching servers
are being evaluated.  

Its rougly outlined in http://www.isi.edu/otdr   and has been testing IPv6
transport for the last three years.  If there are folks who wish to 
participate, please let me know and we can provide the "bits" needed to
for active participation.


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