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To: ietf-provreg@cafax.se, epp-cc@lists.nic.at
From: axelm@nic.at
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 18:48:12 +0100
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Sender: owner-ietf-provreg@cafax.se
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i
Subject: mod_epp - first (pre)release


we have just released the first tarball of our Apache2 module mod_epp,
a protocol module enabling Apache2 to "speak" EPP over TCP (should be 
fairly conformant to the current epp/tcp transport draft). 

The module is intended to be used as a frontend tier of an EPP server
based on Apache2. TLS, Authentication and logging are leveraged from the
existing Apache implementation of HTTP, well known CGI/Web based
programming techniques can be used to implement backend tier layers.

We are releasing this early version to raise awareness about this alternative
to the "glue together openssl xinetd phread xerces java"-approach of
implementing an EPP server.

more information plus source is available at:


Please note:

- Consider it alpha software at this point in time. We know that there
  are bugs, and you may find some additional ones as well.
- mod_epp does not implement any business backend logic. That's up to
  either our sample CGI scripts (hint!) or to your current business
  logic system.
- Your feedback is valueable, appreciated and a neccessity for future
  development. see sig below.

Otmar Lendl, Alex Mayrhofer
lendl@nic.at, axelm@nic.at

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