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To: "D. J. Bernstein" <djb@cr.yp.to>
Cc: dnsop@cafax.se
From: Jim Reid <Jim.Reid@nominum.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 03:14:40 -0700
In-Reply-To: Message from "D. J. Bernstein" <djb@cr.yp.to> of "15 Jul 2003 16:09:07 -0000." <20030715160907.25742.qmail@cr.yp.to>
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Re: regarding the respsize draft: preferring glue of certain types

>>>>> "djb" == D J Bernstein <djb@cr.yp.to> writes:

    djb> As for mixing A and AAAA in delegations, I don't understand
    djb> the benefit to having both in the first place. If a child
    djb> server provides only one protocol, there's no decision for
    djb> the parent to make. If a child server provides both
    djb> protocols, and the query to the parent was made through IPv4,
    djb> I don't understand the point of including AAAA; and vice
    djb> versa.

You're making a false assumption that the transport protocol used for
querying the server matters to the end client. An authoritative server
could well be answering queries over IPv4 from a dual-stack full
service resolver that's serving IPv6-only stub resolvers. Those end
clients will not be happy to get A records instead of AAAAs. Or that
full service resolver may have a (policy) preference for querying over
IPv6 and only uses IPv4 as a last resort. These scenarios may well be
somewhat hypothetical but they are not unreasonable or unrealistic.
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