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To: "J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin" <jefsey@club-internet.fr>
Cc: Randy Bush <randy@psg.com>, pbernhard@cube.de, dnsop@cafax.se
From: Brad Knowles <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 10:34:55 +0200
In-Reply-To: <>
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Re: anycast

At 1:56 AM +0200 2002/10/23, J-F C. (Jefsey)  Morfin wrote:

>  project http://dot-root.com does not plan to be fully ready for a few weeks.

	I have looked through a good portion of the site so far 
(including the charter, etc...), and it is still not clear to me just 
what exactly this group is proposing that they will do.  Clearly, a 
lot of work has been done to put this together, but this is not being 
communicated effectively to the casual observer.

>  If we could be of help we would certainly be happy to support this.
>  We have tested for more than 18 months to get the root file updated.


>  We would need help in getting gTLD zone files: our purpose is to
>  be purely experiemental but one of the root is to serve as a reference
>  and a support for ccTLDs and Govs and is to a strict copy of the ICANN
>  data (it currently supports the corect IPs for all the German, Autrian
>  and Greek Name severs).

	Many of the ccTLD zones are openly available for zone transfer. 
As of the last time I checked, of the 256 total known TLDs (not 
including the root zone) the following 163 TLDs (and the root zone) 
were available from at least one server:

		ac ad al am an ao ar arpa as au aw az ba bd bg bj bm bn
		bo bs bt bv bw by ci ck cl cm cr cu cv cy cz dj dz ec edu
		ee eg er es fi fj fm ga gb gd ge gg gh gi gl gm gn gov gp
		gs gt gu gw gy hn hr ht hu id ie il im in int io ir is je
		jo ke kg kh ki km kn kz lb lc lk lr ly ma mc mg mh mk ml
		mm mn mq mr ms mt museum mv mw my mz nc ne ng ni np pa pe
		pg pk pl pro pw py qa ro ru sa se sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn
		so st su sv sz tc tf th tj tm tn to tp tr tt tv tz ua ug
		uk um uy ve vg vi vn vu ye yu za zm zw

	I would encourage you to get a copy of the root zone from B, C, 
or F, and then try to do zone transfers from all the advertised 
servers for each TLD.  I went about it a slightly harder way -- I 
reconstructed the root zone from information publicly available 
elsewhere, and then got copies of all of the above.

	Note that I am going to be addressing this topic in my invited 
talk at LISA 2002.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles@skynet.be>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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tv+(+++) b+(++++) DI+(++++) D+(++) G+(++++) e++>++++ h--- r---(+++)* z(+++)
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