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To: keydist@cafax.se
From: Rodney Thayer <rodney@tillerman.to>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:47:48 -0700
Delivery-Date: Thu Dec 13 17:48:25 2001
Sender: owner-keydist@cafax.se
Subject: hello!

Hello there.  I'm Rodney Thayer, I am interested in participating
in the discussion of storing SSH keys in DNS.  I am a security
architect/implementor/crypto plumber -- I'm currently working on
Secure DNS things but I've also recently worked on public key
applications, such as SSH (and legacy things like PKIX certificates)

So... I believe the topic here is what are the requirements for
storing SSH keys in DNS.  Is that correct?
(I'll take silence as a yes and simply keep babbling into the
microphone here...)

P.s. I'm also a co-author on the SSH key format draft.

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