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To: Alain Durand <Alain.Durand@Sun.COM>, hinden@iprg.nokia.com
Cc: dnsop@cafax.se, rdroms@cisco.com
From: =?EUC-KR?B?udq89sir?= <soohong.park@samsung.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 17:57:07 +0900
Msgkey: 20030716175707@soohong.park
Reply-to: soohong.park@samsung.com
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Re: proposal for a compromise on DNS discovery

Hi Alain

Please look into my inline comments

>Our community is basically divided in two camps,
>the "conservatives", coming from v4 where the operational practice
>is to use DHCP for DNS discovery and would like to operate the same way
>for v6, and the "liberals", coming from v6 where the autoconfiguration
>story is build on Neighbor Discovery and RA/RS, and who would like to
>expand on this.


>As I explain in an earlier mail, the differences in the mode of 
>operation are:
>- DHCPv6 can also pass the address of the NTP server
>- RA/RS have the unsolicited multicast provision that helps save 
>bandwidth when a large number of nodes are autoconfiguring at the same time.

agree too

>The compromise solution I'd like to bring forward is to optionally 
>piggy back the
>unsolicited multicast mode to DHCPv6-lite.

?... why do you defense a liberty of IPv6 at this point ?

>At boot time, the client wait a bit (random 0..MAX1 seconds) and listen
>to unsolicited DHCPv6 DNS recursive server advertisements sent to the
>link-local-all-node multicast address.

As you know, IPv6 is already there

>If noting comes, it send a DHCPv6 request.
>The DHCPv6 server answer to the unicast address of the requester
>and, if configured to do so (this would be optional), send the same 
>thing to the
>link-local-all-node multicast address.
>Those multicast responses will be rate limited by the server,
>that is, if a second request come within MAX2 seconds,
>only the unicast answer will be sent.

If IPv6 node has dhcp functions, it can also make use of this procedure
without piggy back the unsolicited multicast mode of dhcp.

>I'm sure there would be many details to work out.

do you want to make a complexity ?

Please be sure that both DHCP and RA discovery method have each application domain/scope.
In addition, if we don't have DNS discovery into RA, IPv6 can not provide full
stateless autoconfiguration. This option is very very simple.
If IPv6 host don't have dhcp functions, what is the possible solutions ? 
manually configure ?


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