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To: dnsop@cafax.se
From: Lars-Johan Liman <liman@autonomica.se>
Date: 20 Aug 2002 16:21:58 +0200
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
User-Agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7
Subject: IETF 54 preliminary minutes.


Here are Ray's minutes from the Yokohama meeting. The delay is mine -
I've been on vacation. Any comments?



16 July 2002
Yokohama, Japan

Prepared by Ray Plzak

1) Welcome, scribe, agenda bashing

Ray Plzak volunteered to be scribe.  There were no changes to the

2) draft-ietf-dnsop-dontpublish-unreachable-03.txt

The Chair solicited comments from the group.


	a) There were a few comments concerning the point from which
unreachability was determined.  The general feeling of the WG was that
reachable from where should be specified.  

	b) There was a considerable discussion about the enforcement.
There were two points of discussion.  First, the provisions of the draft
should not be enforced.  Second, this would probably become a BCP and
that enforcement would be by voluntary participation.  There was no
conclusion reached.  The discussion will continue on the list. 

	c) There was some discussion about the effect that this document
would have on NATs.  The general sense of the WG was that this document
would not pertain to the private side of the NAT.

	d) The Chair announced that the draft to go to the list for WG
last call to solicit further comments.

3) draft-durand-ngtrans-dns-issues-00.txt

Alain Durand presented his draft.  (Not an ngtrans document.  This is a
personal submission.)

Draft was accepted as a DNSOP WG draft.

There was a short discussion about whether using wild cards was a good
idea.  No conclusion or consensus was reached.  The document will be
sent to the list for further comment.

It was noted by the Area Director that this was the first of several
ngtrans related documents that would be sent to the WG for
consideration.  The other documents may be documents that are currently
in the NGTRANS WG.  This was part of a general movement to spread
NGTRANS documents and issues to the other WG of the IETF as IPv6 was now

4) draft-ietf-dnsop-v6-name-space-fragmentation-01.txt

The discussion of this draft was postponed until an analysis of the
documents that might be adopted by the DNSOP WG as WG documents from the

5) draft-ietf-dnsop-inaddr-required-03.txt

The draft was not discussed.  The last call on this document will be
delayed so that participation by the IPv6 WG can be solicited.

6) draft-ietf-dnsop-serverid-00.txt

There was no presentation of the draft.  The author (David Conrad) did
note that there were no comments on the list.

It was noted that some servers do not always answer a query.  A
discussion then commenced about whether this draft should provide for an
always answerable query.  There were several reasons mentioned for
having an always answerable query such as finding a bad server in an
anycast pool or conducting studies of servers.  One reason advanced for
not having an always answerable query was that this could be exploited
in a denial of service attack.

It was noted that the draft has some areas that need to be clarified.
Discussion will be continued on the list.

7) Discussion of DNSOP future.

It appears that the WG will have additional work with the inclusion of
the NGTRANS documents.  The Chair will update the charter to reflect
this and present it to the WG.

8) AOB - None.

9) Closing.  The meeting was adjourned.

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