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To: "Brad Knowles" <brad.knowles@skynet.be>, "Jim Reid" <Jim.Reid@nominum.com>
Cc: <dnsop@cafax.se>
From: "Jim Fleming" <JimFleming@ameritech.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 07:47:20 -0500
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Re: That stability thing again

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Reid" <Jim.Reid@nominum.com>
To: "Brad Knowles" <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
Cc: <dnsop@cafax.se>
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 5:06 AM
Subject: Re: That stability thing again

> >>>>> "Brad" == Brad Knowles <brad.knowles@skynet.be> writes:
>     Brad> The US government doesn't own the root servers.  The
>     Brad> root server operators own them, and provide this service to
>     Brad> the community free of charge.  Indeed, in some ways, I think
>     Brad> that they might be better managed if someone did pay for the
>     Brad> service, so that we could hold them more accountable for
>     Brad> failures to do their job properly.
> This would be a Very Bad Thing IMO, even though I strongly support the
> root server operators getting their costs remibursed (and then some).
> As soon as the subject of money is raised, the issue of control pops
> up. I'm not sure it would be a good idea for beancounters or
> politicians to get involved in the root server system for the obvious
> reasons. If funding for the root servers became transparent -- say
> through an internet tax of some sort -- every nutcase with an axe to
> grind is going to make trouble for the root server operators: "I pay
> for the server, so I want some say in how the servers are operated or
> what OS they use, where they are located, etc, etc.". And let's not
> get into the issues of legal liability that will be an inevitable
> consequence of a new funding model for the root servers.
> As for your comments about better management and accountability for
> "failing to do their job properly", are you aware of any problems with
> the current root server operators? It's hard to see how the servers
> could be managed any better.

Whitehouse Ready to Release Next Generation Internet Plan

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say
David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet,
said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned
himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term
"information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part
in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the
Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice
president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."


Dr. Dave Farber
Bill Manning
Bill Manning


White House Town Hall Meeting
Regarding the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace

To be held at the University of Pennsylvania
October 3, 2002, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Annenberg Center
Zellerbach Theatre
3680 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Howard Schmidt, Vice Chairman, President's Critical Infrastructure
Protection Board

Orson Swindle, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission

David J. Farber, Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems,
University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Among the globally recognized experts who will be speaking at the conference are:

Commissioner Orson Swindle of the US Federal Trade Commission;

U.S. Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
Howard Schmidt, Vice Chair, President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board
The Vice Chair of the Board responsible for preparing the US Strategy for Securing Cyberspace, which was made public on Wednesday,
September 18, 2002

"This ought to play well with any company whose stock price is dependent on a well-functioning Internet."

@05:19pm 07/06/99-0400, vinton g. cerf wrote:
>I have talked with John Sidgmore.  We will try to get $500K
>at least "backup" in case nothing else in the way of
>fundraising works.  Mike Nelson, I have copied John Patrick and
>Irving Wladawsky-Berger on this message, as well as John Sidgmore.
>If IBM and MCI Worldcom can come up with $1M in "bridge" funding,
>to be paid back at a later time under reasonable terms that will
>not harm ICANN, then perhaps we can begin a new fundraising campaign
>knowing that we have the ability to back up the campaign with a
>rescue effort in the short term.  It will be easier for John Sidgmore
>to make the case to the MCI Worldcom management if IBM is willing to go
>into this with us and split the $1M cost.  Is it possible?
>I would then launch a campaign with GIP, ITAA, Internet Society,
>and other interested groups on the basis that ICANN must succeed
>or Internet will be in jeopardy.  This ought to play well with any
>company whose stock price is dependent on a well-functioning Internet.

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