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To: dnsop@cafax.se
From: ed@alcpress.com
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 13:28:43 -0800
Reply-To: ed@alcpress.com
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: SRV records - when?

I hope this is the right place to ask this question - if not please
tell me where. It's been a number of years since the creation
of the protocol-independent SRV resource record yet I know
of no web browsers that implement it for HTTP. I've contacted
web browser manufacturers and they show no interest in using 

This is a problem for me and many other small businessmen
who want fault tolerance for our ecommerce web sites. We must
take expensive steps to implement fault tolerance at the server
side of things when a client-side solution (SRV records) would
be more flexible and less expensive.

While I understand the merits of SRV's protocol-independence
the people who build our web browsers apparently do not. The
designers at Microsoft, (AOL) Netscape, Opera, etc. do not
appear to have a clue as to how useful SRV records would be.
Nor do the users of web browsers, apparently, since they're
not demanding it.

Perhaps what's needed is a http-specific record type similar
to MX records for email. I know this will be an unpopular
suggestion, but it seems that web browser users and designers
need things to be dumbed down before they'll pay attention.

Ed Sawicki

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