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To: dnsop@cafax.se
From: Lars-Johan Liman <liman@autonomica.se>
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 15:06:49 +0100 (MET)
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Final Minutes

Here are the final minutes from the meeting in SLC, graciously
prepared by Ray. Please comment soon if you find errors. I need to
send them to the secretariat.


To: "'Lars-Johan Liman'" <liman@autonomica.se>
From: "Ray Plzak" <plzak@arin.net>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 08:34:18 -0500
Delivery-Date: Tue Jan 8 15:02:41 2002
Importance: Normal
Reply-To: <plzak@arin.net>
Subject: Final Minutes

Here are the final minutes.



Minutes of the DNSOP WG
Salt Lake City, UT, US
2001-12-12 09:00-11:30

Prepared by Ray Plzak

1.  The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Lars-Johan Liman.
The agenda was reviewed.  There were no changes.  The blue sheet was
passed around to register attendance.

2.  The following WG drafts were placed on hold awaiting resolution of
related issues in the DNSEXT WG.

a.  draft-ietf-dnsop-keyhand-NN.txt (Ed Lewis)
b. draft-ietf-dnsop-rollover-NN.txt (D. Eastlake, M. Andrews)
c. draft-ietf-dnsop-resolver-rollover-NN.txt (Olaf Kolkman)

3. draft-ietf-kitamura-ipv6-name-auto-reg-00.txt (Hiroshi Kitamura)

There was no presenter.  Discussion was directed to the list.

4. draft-ietf-dnsop-dontpublish-unreachable-NN.txt (Philip Hazel)

There was no presenter.  After brief discussion the chair noted that
this discussion and that on the wg list indicated that there was a group
consensus for the document.  This document will go to last call with a
recommendation to publish as a BCP.

5. draft-ietf-dnsop-bad-dns-res-00.txt (Matt Larson)

Matt presented the rationale for his draft.  After discussion it was
agreed that this document should be split into two documents - one to be
a BCP because it contains operation recommendations and the other to be
an Informational RFC.

6. draft-ietf-ngtrans-dns-ops-req-03.txt (Alain Durand)

Alain presented the rationale for his draft, which is under the ngtrans
wg.  He presented this to gain input for the document.  There was no
consensus from the group about the document.  There was a general
consensus that the ability of dns to operate in a mixed ipv4 and ipv6
environment did not have an apparent solution and that whatever solution
was arrived at could be implemented without impacting the ipv4
environment and that there is a requirement for a set of tools to
implement whatever solution was arrived at.

7. draft-ihren-dnsop-v6-name-space-fragment-00.txt (Johan Ihren)

Johan presented the rationale for his draft.  There was a brief
discussion of the draft.  The document was accepted into  the wg and
will be discussed in detail on the list.

8. Review of charter and discussion of the status of the working group.

The Chairman conducted a review of the charter and the status of the wg
documents.  In regard to the measurements effort the results of the
measurements BOF to be conducted later will determine whether the wg
continues effort in this area.  The v4/v6 transport activity will be
added to the charter.  Bill Manning volunteered to collect measurement
data and provide the information in a document.

9. Reports from projects and workshops.  None.

10. AOB.  None.

11.  The meeting was adjourned.

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