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To: dnsop@cafax.se
Cc: plzak@arin.net
From: Lars-Johan Liman <liman@autonomica.se>
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 13:49:12 +0100
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Final agenda for DNSOP.

This is the final agenda for the DNSOP wg meeting in London today.

 1. Open meeting, welcome, and agenda bashing.

 2. Scribe and blue sheet.

 3. Reports from projects and workshops.\hfil\break
      .nl.nl. (Olaf Kolkman, Miek Gieben)\hfil\break
      NIST (Scott Rose)

 4. draft-ietf-dnsop-keyhand-04.txt (Ed Lewis)

 5. draft-ietf-dnsop-rollover-01.txt (D. Eastlake, M. Andrews)

 6. draft-ietf-dnsop-inaddr-required-02.txt (Daniel Senie)

 7. draft-esibov-dnsop-suppress-queries-00.txt (Levon Esibov, Stuart Kwan)

 8. draft-crocker-unique-assign-01.txt (Dave Crocker)

 9. Review of charter and discussion of the status of the working
    group. (Liman)

10. AOB

11. Closing


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