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To: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
Cc: Mans Nilsson <mansaxel@sunet.se>, dnsop@cafax.se
From: Randy Bush <randy@psg.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 08:00:41 -0700
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Re: Tips for DNS zone administration

>| if you wish your work to actually be useful, as opposed to a polemic, you
>| may want to stick to what is technically correct, as opposed to your
>| particular view of what is operationally useful and advisable.
> By which Randy means, I think, don't use CNAME...

not at all.

use cname where it is legal and you need it.

use ns, a, and mx for the same label where you need it.



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