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To: dnsop@cafax.se, namedroppers@ops.ietf.org
From: Roy Arends <roy@nlnetlabs.nl>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 13:30:16 +0200 (CEST)
Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
Subject: Signing .de zone, different keysizes.

This was just sent to the DNSSEC-WG at CENTR.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 13:28:25 +0200 (CEST)
From: Roy Arends <roy@nlnetlabs.nl>
To: dnssec-wg@lists.centr.org
Subject: [centr-dnssec-wg]Signing .de zone, different keysizes.


Some more statistics on signing the .de zone. 
KEYsize  USR+SYS     (HMS)  TimeFactor Filesize          GrowthFactor

DSA-512  15493  ( 4h18m13s)  1         399275361 (380Mb) 3.24        
DSA-768  23712  ( 6h35m12s)  1.53      399275361 (380Mb) 3.24        
RSA-512  22645  ( 6h17m25s)  1.46      462208257 (440Mb) 3.76
RSA-768  53874  (14h57m54s)  3.48      544807683 (519Mb) 4.43
The labels:    
KEYsize     : The type and size of the key.
USR+SYS     : The USR+SYS time the signer process consumed in seconds.
(HMS)       : Usage and System time in Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
TimeFactor  : Time compared to a DSA-512 key Signing time.  
Filesize    : File size of the signed file. 
GrowthFactor: Filesize compared to the unsigned filesize (123068233).
The zone we've signed was converted to a delegation-only-zone (See
previous mail).

We used the signer that came with the distribution of BIND V9.0.0-b2. We
generated keys with the keygen tool, also from the distribution of BIND
V9.0.0-b2. The test-machine is an average off-the shelf pc with an athlon
500 MHz processor running FreeBSD 3.4 .


Roy Arends

Never hit a man with glasses.  Hit him with a baseball bat.
roy@nlnetlabs.nl                NLnetLabs
tel +31208884551                Kruislaan 419
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